Originally organized in 2004, Neon Reel Entertainment is a ground-level production company dedicated to captivating audiences with our horror and suspense. Our style is a variety of traditional camera techniques blended with modern, digital technology.
Born July 25, 1984 in Rochester Minnesota (no, Matt does not speak like a character from Fargo). At a young age, Matt gained an interest in film-making. From Star Wars to 2001: A Space Odyssey, there were few films that didn’t interest him. While digital filmmaking has become the modern standard, Matt likes to employ “old-school” camera techniques; trying to shoot everything with a camera without the aid of computer generated graphics–at least where he can.
Born James Gregory, from Nashville Tennessee. Most know him as the Good Doctor; or simply Doc. He was a child of the 80’s and became interested in the entertainment industry in the early 90’s. After getting his first VHS camera, he quickly put it to use by filming independent backyard wrestling shows. Although his forte over the years has been Wrestling, he has always had a profound interest in films; both in their production and entertainment.